Please carefully read the Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the Terms of Use) below.

By deciding to use the website (hereinafter called Website) or the mobile Mobile App (hereinafter referred to as Mobile App) of the Quebec City German Christmas Market (Marché de Noël allemand de Québec, hereinafter called MNAQ), the user (the end user, or the organization you represent or work for, hereinafter referred to as the User ) accepts all of the Terms of Use listed below. These terms of use govern the content and operation of the Website and the Mobile App, including the Privacy Policy of the MNAQ.

These Terms of Use legally bind the User and the MNAQ (hereinafter the Parties). The Parties are entitled to invoke this agreement and to take all useful and necessary measures to enforce it.

The User accepts and acknowledges that the MNAQ reserves the right, at any time and without prior warning, to modify, change or update the Terms of Use. Usage of the platform by the User after such a modification constitutes his consent to respect the modified Terms of Use and to be bound by them. The MNAQ will try, as much as possible, to inform users of any significant changes made to the Terms of Use. It is however the User’s responsibility to review them regularly in order to be informed of any changes that may have been made. If the User does not accept these Terms of Use he must not use the MNAQ Website or the MNAQ Mobile App.


Browsing the Website or using the Mobile App implies that you have read, understood and accepted the Terms of Use.

The Website is accessible from all platforms (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and on all browsers. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox. The Mobile App  is available on Apple Store for iPhone and on Google Play Store for Android phones.

The Website and Mobile App are accessible at all times. It may happen that the Website or the Mobile App is temporarily unavailable, in case of updates or technical problems. The MNAQ is not responsible for service interruptions or updates. The MNAQ tries to make updates when the number of visits to the Website and the Mobile App are at their lowest.

The MNAQ reserves the right to add, delete and modify all the content found on the Website and on the Mobile App. The MNAQ cannot be held responsible for mistakes, typographical errors and bugs. If you report such problems, the MNAQ will do its best to correct the situation promptly.

Users of the Website or the Mobile App agree, without limitation, not to:

  • Use the platform in any way that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Website or Mobile App;
  • Disrupt the security, or otherwise abuse the Website or the Mobile App, or any services, system resources, servers or networks connected to the Website or the Mobile App, or any affiliated or linked sites or applications accessible through them;
  • Upload, post or otherwise transmit to the Website or Mobile App any virus or other harmful, disruptive or destructive computer file or program;
  • Use any robot, spider or other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy the pages of the Website or the Mobile App, or their content;
  • Transmit through the Website or the Mobile App emails, chain emails, junk messages or other types of unsolicited mass emails; 
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website or the Mobile App, or to certain portions to which access is restricted.

All intellectual property rights (trademark, copyright, etc.) (hereinafter referred to as Intellectual Property) related to the Website or the Mobile App are the exclusive property of the MNAQ, which operates them. You may not copy or use the material, structure, menu, appearance or characters that appear on the Website or Mobile App without the express consent of MNAQ. The photos and videos presented in the Media page of the Website may be used without prior consent, for media purposes, communication or promotion of the event only. Photos or videos must be accompanied by the appropriate credit mentioning the MNAQ and the photographer.

Certain names, words, titles, phrases, logos, icons, graphics, designs, domain names contained on the Website or Mobile App may be trademarked, copyrighted or registered (for the purposes of these Terms of Use, all are referred to as Trademarks). These Trademarks are protected by Canadian and foreign laws applicable to trademarks and are the exclusive property of the MNAQ, with the exception of the partners logos and the photos provided by the MNAQ exhibitors.

Without limiting its scope, the elements of Intellectual Property belonging to the MNAQ include, non-exhaustively, the following elements:

All logos, drawings, graphics, trademarks (registered or not), symbols, texts, expressions, words as well as all the general content of the Website and the Mobile App.

All information provided on the Website and the Mobile App belongs to the MNAQ, and is protected by the laws applicable. Unless otherwise specified, information may not be copied, displayed, distributed, downloaded, licensed, modified, published, reproduced, reused, sold, transmitted, or used for derivative, public, or commercial purposes without the express written authorization of the MNAQ. The Information is protected under the copyright and trademark laws of Canada and the countries hosting the Website and Mobile App.

You may use the information exclusively for your personal and non-commercial use, provided that you reference the respective credits, copyrights and trademarks on the copies. These Terms of Use grant you limited permission to view on your computer or phone, download or print text and images presented on the Website and Mobile App, and only for non-commercial, personal and educational purposes, provided that the content of the Website is not modified in any way. This permission is yours alone; it may not be assigned or transferred to another person, or be sub-licensed. Images and text contained on the Website and Mobile App that are downloaded, copied, saved or printed are still subject to these Terms of Use. You should ensure that all copyright and trademark mentions are still included. The content of the Website and the Mobile App may be modified at any time without notice. For more information regarding permission to use, reproduce or republish any information presented on the Website or Mobile App, please email us at info@mnaq.ca.

Any unauthorized downloading, retransmission, copying or modification of trademarks or data contained on the Website or Mobile App may violate federal or other trademark or copyright laws, and could expose the User to legal proceedings.


It is possible that, by clicking on a hyperlink, you leave the Website or the Mobile App to access the sites and content of other parties (hereinafter the “External Websites”). The MNAQ provides users, in addition to its own content, with links to external websites solely for information purposes. The MNAQ has no control over the content of these External Websites and assumes no responsibility for their accuracy, precision, completeness, authenticity, timeliness or suitability for any specific purpose.

Any liability of the MNAQ is excluded, particularly concerning direct or indirect damage, or the consequences linked to the use of the content of these External Websites. The MNAQ has no influence on the content of the External Websites to which the links refer. The MNAQ assumes no responsibility for the content of external links, in particular those that have been modified after the link was set up. The MNAQ does not require the transmission of information by these External Websites, does not select the recipients of the information transmitted or the information itself, and does not modify it. No automatic short-term backup of these external links is made by the MNAQ by virtue of the method for creating and consulting the links in force. Therefore, responsibility for the content of the External Websites accessible via external links lies exclusively with their operators.

In addition, the MNAQ cannot in any way guarantee the absence of violation of copyright trademarks or the rights of third parties by these External Websites. The MNAQ also cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful components. No guarantee is given as to the authenticity of the documents available on these External Websites.


The MNAQ does not guarantee accuracy, completeness, quality or relevance of the content and information presented on its Website and its Mobile App . This information is provided as is, without warranty or condition whatsoever, express or implied. The MNAQ is not responsible for the content posted on the Website or the Mobile App by the Users, and for any damage that may result. Each User is responsible for the content that he exchanges on the Website or the Mobile App and may not use the Website or the Mobile App for purposes contrary to the laws applicable in Quebec and Canada.

The MNAQ cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, or any other damage whatsoever, including loss of income, profits or anticipated economic benefits resulting from the use or the impossibility of using the Website or the Mobile App, the information, contents, documents and software found there, even if the MNAQ has been warned of the possibility of such damages or even if these damages can be reasonably expected.

As a User, you will compensate the MNAQ , its directors and employees, and release them from all liability for all claims, liabilities, losses and costs (including legal fees) attributable to the use of the Website or of the Mobile App, and/or breach of these Terms of Use, whether such breach is by you or any third party user of your account.

You may not use or export the Information, or any copy or adaptation of the Information, in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, including applicable export laws and regulations of Canada.


The Website, the Mobile App and their contents are managed by the MNAQ from its offices located in the Province of Quebec, in Canada. The Website, the Mobile App and their contents , these Terms of Use, and your use of the Website and the Mobile App are all governed by the laws of Quebec and Canada which are applicable.

You agree that all questions and disputes concerning the Website or the Mobile App and your use thereof should be settled exclusively by the courts of the province of Quebec.

In addition, any decision of the courts to the effect that one of the clauses of these Terms of Use is void or unenforceable has no effect on the other clauses.


The MNAQ reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, at its sole discretion. Any significant changes will be published in this document.

The MNAQ asks users to read the updated version of the Terms of Use. If you object to any changes to these Terms of Use, please cease all use of the Website and Mobile App . Your continued use after the new Terms of Service take effect constitutes your acceptance of them.


If you have any questions or comments regarding any content of the Website or the Mobile App, please contact us at info@mnaq.ca.